modification day

[2024-2] Qualifying Exam: Foreign Language Test (Eng/Kor)

Qualifying Exam: Foreign Language Test (Eng/Kor)



※ The online test is unavailable.

※ Please note that foreign language tests will be abolished from the 2025.


1. Application Period: 2024. Aug. 12.(Mon), 9:00 ~ Sep. 4.(Wed), 17:00 (Punctuality)


2. Qualifying Examination (Foreign Language Test) Subject  

  1) English Test

  2) Korean Test (Only Korean Studies(한국학전공) students can select Korean language test)


3. Qualification

  1) Foreign Language proficiency exam can be applied regardless of acquired credits or completed semesters.

  2) Refer to the notice about 'Exemption from Foreign Language Proficiency test' below.


4. Procedure

  1) Fill out the Application form (attached) and submit it to GSIS office

  2) When applying, You should choose between visiting the application/post. (Unable to submit by email)

  3) If you submit the application form by post, please contact GSIS administration office for confirmation.

  4) It is completely responsible to you if you (or your proxy) fill in incorrect information (on your behalf) in the application form.

  5) Make sure to submit the original copy of the application form.

  6) Unable to apply if the application has not been submitted within the period



5. Examination Schedule



Time and Place


Foreign Language Proficiency test

2024. Sep. 13.(Fri), 11:00 ~ 11:50

Student Union Bldg.(#708) Auditorium Room

Both Master and

Doctoral students


※ Examination Place will be changeable according to the number of applicants.

※ Specific schedules will be announced.


6. How to confirm passing Foreign language test (2024. Oct. 7.(Mon) 11:00 schedule)

- Visit [] → Click [졸업(Graduation)] → Click 학위논문제출자격시험(Qualifying examination)→ Click [외국어시험합격조회(Inquire about Foreign Language Proficiency Test] and [종합시험합격조회(Inquire about Qualifying Examination)]


7. Note

  1) You should submit the original copy of the application form.

  2) You can not take the qualifying examination and foreign language proficiency test unless you submit the application form during the application period.

  3) It is completely responsible to you if you (or your proxy) fill in incorrect information (on your behalf) in the application form.

  4) You should write your answer sheet in only one color (black or blue ballpoint or fountain pen).

  5) You must get the proctor’s signature on your answer sheet when you take exams.

  6) Each exam’s perfect score is 100 and the pass criterion is 60 (the master’s course)/70 (PhD course) out of 100.


※ Exemption from Foreign Language Proficiency Test

  (* English test exemption can be applied only during the application period for the qualifying exams, not after the specified period)


1. The criteria exempted English Proficiency Test  






For both Master's students and Doctoral students


over 800




over 80


(본교 국제교류본부 주관)

over 587


over 5.5


over 350

Other exemption criteria

(~② 중 1개 이상 충족)

① Those who complete the alternative English class opened by International Language Institute, PNU and get a score over 70 on this course.

② Those who are nationals of South Africa, New Zealand, the United States, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Canada or who hold a bachelor's or master's degree from any of the above countries



2. The criteria exempted Korean Proficiency Test (Only for Korean studies students)





Master's students

본교 언어교육원에서 개설한 한국어시험 대체강좌를 이수하고 소정의 시험성적이 70점 이상인 자

Only for Korean studies students

한국어능력시험(TOPIK) : 4급 이상

본교 언어교육원 한국어 강좌 : 4급 이상 수료




3. Documentary Evidence For Exemption from Foreign Language Proficiency Test (Required to submit original)

  1) Required form

  - Application Form for foreign language test

  - Application Form for exemption from foreign language test

  - Documentary Evidence

    ① TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, TEPS, TOPIK, or Alternative English/Korean course

    * Scores obtained after admission to the relevant course and restricted to the scores within the effective date of the test.




